How to Apply the Secret Law of Attraction

by Bogota

The Secret has been revealed to the world and Law of Attraction (LOA) has been discovered by more people than ever before. The Secret has become best-selling self help book and DVD. The Secret means the Law of Attraction. According to the Secret, Law of Attraction allows us to design our life by using the power of thought. bloggingcreation This concept might known by most people to be Mind Power.

More people have understood the Secret. However, it is not easy to apply and manifest the exact way we want. The application requires proper method because it involves changing the mindset. You must realize that you been creating your reality, consciously and unconsciously.

Law of Attraction does work and it is been working all the time. You can use it right now to turn your dream life into reality. dailyleadcampaign You are born as creative creator and it allows your mind to Create. “Ask, Believe and Receive” are the Creative Process on the Secret. Anyway, here we have ten steps for you to apply the Law of Attraction and manifest your goal.

  1. Clear Your Mind For Attraction

You must find silent place, to keep your mind in peace. Peaceful mind makes the Law of Attraction work easier for you. Next, all you have to do is meditate for about five to ten minutes. Meditation makes your mind shift into positive state and being positive is important to attract or manifest using the Law of Attraction. If you want good meditation program, you can proceed to the link at the end of this article.

  1. Decide What You Want

You must be clear and confirm about what you want to attract or manifest. Once you decide, you must focus on it. Do not keep changing your goal, otherwise the Universe will give you only half results or maybe not at all. expoera Your decision must be specific and never let anything that can change your focus and concentration. Law of Attraction requires constant focus on your request.

  1. Ask What You Want To The Universe

You can do this by thinking about it, yet I found out it is not enough. To make your attraction stronger, you must write down about it specifically and detailed. It must be in present and be like you already attracted what you wanted. The Secret said you can begin by ‘I am so happy and grateful now that…’ and explain it in detail. usmansamad You must write about what you want and not about what you do not want. Law of Attraction says you get what you focus. So write positive sentence and focus only on what you want.

  1. Visualize Having What You Want

Law of Attraction requires you to visualize by using all your senses. You must feel like you already have what you wanted. In this step, your thoughts and feeling vibration must match with the same frequency of already having what you wanted. When it matches, the Universe will deliver it into your life because it is the way you feeling. Law of Attraction does not only work based on thoughts, it is work based on feelings and visualization you generate. Remember the Universe understands energy, feelings and visualization. It does not understand words.

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